Thursday, October 1, 2009

And They're Off

I got up at 3:30 am. Took a shower and put on the clothes that would see me through the day. It all seemed like an almost normal running day which I was hoping it would feel like. I made and ate a half of peanut butter and jelly sandwich and then decided to stretch a bit. My muscles were loose and I felt good.

Before I knew it we were all loading in the car and driving over to the start. Yes of course we were within walking distance but hey there was a long day ahead. Why waste the energy. We arrived and beheld the majesty of people, port-o-pots and of course the lights and music that is a race start. People scurrying everywhere. Testing headlamps. Relieving themselves (in the appropriate places of course.) Myself being kinda of oblivious to most of it walked with Michelle over to the table to check in with my bib number. Once that was done I took a quick trip to the john. How did it get that name? Then I waited.

It seemed like 15 to 20 minutes but I am sure it was simply a few. I made a small joke about being a Kenyan since everyone was looking at my own personal film crew with puzzled faces and then there was the countdown. I gave Michelle a kiss goodbye and then the horn went off. With a small cheer all 212 of us were off. It was surreal running out in the darkness, led by some unseen person or force. As the light of the starting line disappeared in the darkness we transformed it seemed into a barrelling freight train speeding headlong on a tiny track into the darkness of morning.

We could all feel the terrain change underneath us. Grass to rocks, rocks to dirt and then back again. From time to time as we had slowly been peeled by the thinning trail into a bouncing glowing snake you would hear a voice call out "root" or "creek" or "branch" and the whole line of us would hiccup as the obstacle was avoided. We seemed to run a circle at one point (this would of course be later confirmed) and we hit the first aid station. I slowed to a walk and drank most of the first bottle in my Fuel Belt. Before I knew it I was off again.

I had little conversations first with an Army medic who was telling me that this would be his last race for a while because he had to devote more time to his family and he was planning on moving from Virginia. Then I spoke briefly with an Army ranger who was telling me about some of his missions and that running was the only way to have a little bit of sanity. I of course told them about my illness and how I ended up here in the midst of a 50 mile race.

We all settled in and it became a silent uneventful jaunt in the darkness. It would not stay that way for long.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The 'Ol Up Down

is of course not to be confused with the "Ol In Out" from "A Clockwork Orange." Thank you Roddy McDowell. As is common throughout training hydration is important. I had been a 1.5-2 litre minimum of liquids daily throughout training. The day/night before the race since we were traveling and shopping and picking up the number and checking out the aid stations I really was not sure how much water I had consumed. I felt that I was lacking an effort to make up the difference I decided to polish off a litre of water from the time we arrived back at the cottage to the bedtime.

This was smart in one sense since it was highly unlikely that I would be peeing much during the race because most of my moisture would sweat out and be evaporated off my skin. You really need to maintain a good level of fluids before during and after the race (during being most important). So while we filmed the interview etc. I was steadily drinking, and drinking and drinking.

When we finally retired preparing for the 3:30 alarms about 6 hours away I was prepared to get a so, so sleep. When you travel for races its rare to get a good night sleep the night right before the race. Most racers and race directors will tell you the night before the night is key. My night before the night was pretty good. The night before however was a series of trip back and forth to the bathroom, countless position changes and of course going from hot to cold and then to hot again. It was a long night for me, Michelle and I think even Alex and Elizabeth. I think I got about two ad a half hours of sleep and that may just be being generous. It was the shortest and longest nights sleeps I have had since the day my father died.

Thankfully I would not pay for it the next day.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Right About Now...

actually it should be right about then, with then being a week ago, right now. We Michelle, Alex, Elizabeth and myself were finishing up lunch and heading to the mall.

We had awoke at about 3:30 am Shit, shaved and showered (sorry I have always wanted to write that and its my blog so I can lump us all in together). I personally had breakfast. Some of my homemade bread with peanut butter and jelly. You don't mess with the Zohan and you also do not mess around with my breakfast. Its sacred. Following breakfast we began the game of Tetris which is packing the car for the trip. Big marine cooler full of food and goodies. Our bag, their bag, my personal gear bag, extra pillows and of course blankets. Oh yeah Alex's work/school bag.

I decided to drive. It would really be my only opportunity until maybe Monday or Tuesday. It was a fun ride and we cruised along. Singing to a personally made iTunes mix as well as intermittent filming of the trip and the feelings and of course tomorrows looming challenge. We stopped briefly at my mom's house and after only a few minutes of being on camera she had had her fill. It was fun and funny as well as eye opening to me.

We continued on and found our way into the park and finally to our cottage. It was nice and spacious. By this time which was a little before noon we were all starving so we set off into the hinterland of Northern Virginia and ultimately found a shopping center that would be our best friend. We settled after much deliberation on a Cafe where we all seemed to get sandwiches or salads or both. Lunch was scrumptious and we then went on a roundabout mission of getting my number and swag bag from the Northface Store. Then of course off to both of the parks where there would be aid stations the following day (Great Falls and Difficult Run). Both names although named for the river and water would turn out to be quite appropriate. Checking out what we thought were the aid stations we were satisfied. Seeing the surrounding scenery we were blown away. It was stunning especially the river and the boulders.

I had had my fill and was ready for the last little bit of shopping and then it was time to settle in for the evening. We hit the store I think it was Winn Dixie (Michelle noted the uniforms were the same as Stop & Shop) got ice and a few other essentials. Back to the cottage we relaxed. Had a home cooked pasta dinner and then somehow delved into the entire story of the sickness and the race and the hospital and the training. It was quite eye opening since alot of me being sick I was so out of it...I didn't remember.

Then thankfully it was time for bed. It was/is a story unto itself.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

OK I Lied, So Here's Thursday

I thought I could go cold turkey on the blogging and just leave the race and the event for film but I can't. I like to run my mouth and so bit by bit I will lay out the events of last weekend. As I mentioned last time there is so much to say that I couldn't wrap my head around it. So instead of chomping onto the whole thing lets take it piecemeal.

A week ago Thursday was in essence the moment of truth. The last day of reality before the surreal experiences began. The work day was average and non-descript as it should be before something like this. Michelle left work a bit early and got home. It was good to see her. Very reassuring in many respects. We finished up whatever we had to do and then went to Enterprise to pick up the SUV. Now maybe I am living in the past but what we got was not SUV like as I denote them. It was more like a lifted station wagon. I think it was a Nissan Rogue. Just enough space it would turn out.

Anyway, we got the car and Michelle finished up the Quinoa salad which was our dinner fare for the evening. Just about this time Mayo (Elizabeth Mayo CO-founder of Pareidolia Films LLC) arrived on the bus. She made the hike from Queens through the city and up the Hudson to Nyack. She had most of the gear as well as the bag for her and Alex. She's a trooper because the camera was not light and it was definitely muy expensive.

We got in she settled down. We bs'd a bit and then had dinner. Following dinner which was quite tasty and which I took more than my fair share, (kinda a pre pre race carb load session,) Liz and I drove across the river to the Tarrytown train station to pick up Sir Alex Chancey. (No he has not been knighted but I figure if I say it enough people will ultimately think it.)

Chancey ate and then there was bit of filming about the race and the feelings surrounding it. A little more filming of us packing up the gear and the food and then we were all a bit sleepy. This would be the last good night's sleep for a while. We all retired and after 20 or thirty minutes of running through a mental list of everything we were supposed to have packed and/or collected for the trip and the race I finally fell asleep ready for the 3:30 am wakeup.

Monday, September 21, 2009

I Came, I Ran, I Hurt

There are a million things I could say about what happened last Saturday. All the training all the hype all the zen calm and eerily lack of fear. The race was everything I thought it would be and yet so, so, so much more. To try and describe it here I would be remiss in so many things. I will say simply this. It is the hardest physical feat I have ever performed in my life. My words alone cannot do it justice. Luckily I was graced to have a vast portion of Thursday through Sunday captured on film. When its ready I will do my final post. Until then I would like to simply thank everyone who took part in my mini wife Michelle, Mom L, Mom P, Dad P, Michael, Kathleen, Bruce, Donald, Aliana, Darius, Little Joe, Evelyn, Aunt Maria, Susie, Dr. Gurniak, Dr. Okiri, Dr Strauss, Cory, Stacey, Miguel, Joe and a super big shout out to Elizabeth the Great and Sir Chancey and most importantly once again my beautiful wife Michelle. She not only put up with a horribly cranky patient who realized his own mortality suddenly at age 37 but then helped drag his tired ass across the finish line after running the last 14.8 miles with him (ad some stragglers he picked up along the way).

For now that is it. You have hopefully read the blog and like me anxiously await the movie which of course is coming via the skillful hands of Alex and Elizabeth. Oh yes one final thought...never, never, never try this at home kids. Let the adults be crazy.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Michael Buffer Where Are You?

Its almost game time and I have been noticing that life has gotten surreal. I know the race is coming. I have all the gear ready. The support team is on their way here. It will eliminate some time in the early morning heading to Queens. The food is ready my bag is almost packed. I/we're ready to go and yet it seems like its not really happening. Bizarre.

Oh well, I am in hurry and wait mode.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Michael, Michael He's Our Man...

If He Can't Do It, Izzard Can?!? It has been brought to my attention (thank you Michelle) that should I run into trouble in my endeavor, the hilarious Eddie Izzard is readily to pick up the gauntlet. He has recently been running the equivalent of a marathon-a-day for over forty days. He has traveled all over his native England raising money for charity.

Is this guy challenging me to a fund raising? Don't make me kick your behind Eddie...only kidding. Its quite admirable what he has done and how he's doing it.

Monday, September 14, 2009

My Arch Enemy Sends A Salvo Over the Bow

My nemesis (not really) the rain is supposedly rearing its head Thursday and Friday around the area of the race and of course there are chances for thunderstorms Saturday. Bring it on rain.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Sleep It Does the Body Good

I read somewhere once (wow that's narrowing it down right) that you need to increase your sleep by 15 minutes for each mile you add in your running. Now I must admit I have not been doing that all along during these past few months. I think what I did is the norm. Run, steadily increasing miles, and get as much sleep as possible. As much sleep as possible in reality means the same amount you have been getting. We all have to work and take care of kids and go shopping and simply take care of life's little things. I also think that one of the great benefits of the taper is to catch up on all the missed sleep. I have been quite proficient in it and it has been wonderful.

By my calculations I have six more days of blissful sleep before the blessed event.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The First Step

Last night, following our Deep Water Running Class, we (Michelle and I) met up with Elizabeth and Alex. Not only are they coming down to help and support but being filmmakers they will be documenting the whole shebang. As my wife predicted I loved it...being filmed and talking about the entire adventure. Its nice to simply talk although there is still much to discuss on film as well as off.

When we were done playing around with the camera we got down to a bit of the technical aspects of what will need to happen the day before, and the day of. As what usually takes precedence on trips, expeditions and adventures of all lots we got to food and it sucked us in. It seems like we all have very particular tastes or dietary needs. It will be quite a tasty trip even if it isn't memorable (and who would believe this isn't going to be memorable.)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Clock Is Ticking

The Summer is over. Labor Day has passed. Now the clock has begun counting down to the race. At time it seems a bit daunting but most of the time it provides me wit a sense of peace. All the training is finally coming to an end. The training in itself is/was a journey of epic proportions. More miles, more weight carried, more trial and error with shoes and supplements and sports drinks than ever before. Quite an interesting time period.

Now I taper and wait and pray.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

If At First You Don't Succeed

My plan this week as I documented was to run 12/17/12/20 (those are miles people) on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Monday was fine was Wednesday morning and afternoon. The mornings I was running ten and then having a quick two mile jaunt around lunchtime. Wednesday evening we were supposed to once again have our Deep Water Running class. The previous week, as I said, the pool was closed and we had been trying since then to reach the instructor just to find out if we were having class this week. We had no luck reaching her until of course yesterday late morning. So we rearranged our days in our head and I prepared to head into the city. Michelle told me her swim bag was in the hallway and asked me to bring it. "No problem," I said.

I finished up work and headed out the door. The Palisades was clear and so was the GWB and also the West Side Highway. I headed to the parking garage and parked. I'm a regular now so the guys know me. I grabbed my bag and headed down 50th street. Doh!!!!!! I forgot Michelle's bag. No bag, no class.

So I ran six miles today. Stinky. This was going to be such a wonderful 12 mile day with Friday to rest. Oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Its September... Bye Summer

As excited as I am to jump into race month I always have to stop and pour a little out for my hommie Summer. Summer always has and probably always will provide plenty of fun and adventure. It may seem like you didn't do jack squat but stop a minute. I think the same thing all the time but when I actually review the past three months I can start running off a litany of things I have seen and done. Not that I am going to do that but of course I can and I bet you can do.

There was a time when we all got out of school for close to three months that was magical. It always seemed like perfection. We might think that since we don't get that anymore its not so much fun. Did you ever think that during the summer unless you were leaving town with your parents you really spent most of the time just hanging out with your friends doing a whole lotta nothing but being stupid. Now I ask you is there anything that stopped you from doing the same thing this summer?

Yeah thought so. Stop a moment and pour some out for your hommie Summer and get ready for Fall (you can do the exact same thing only with more clothes on).

Monday, August 31, 2009

Curses Foiled Again

My goal last week was 50 miles. I came up about 14 miles short. Why you may nemesis reared its ugly head again. I thought I had rid myself of him but alas it was not so.

Saturday morning I got up around 4:30 and was out the door around 5 I believe. I made my way through the streets of Nyack to Nyack Beach State Park and Hook Mountain. Its where I have been doing my long run training training. As I entered the park I was surprised to see the deer that are usually up and about all sitting down sleeping or at least resting. I should have taken this as a sign. I grew up in the country. I know what this means. Anyway I continued into the park through the parking lots to the trail head.

Entering the trail head I switched on my headlamp and proceed to jump and hop and dodge the puddles from the previous evenings downpour. As the trail began to climb into the think woods, I got sinking feeling. I knew that it was basically because my headlamp just wasn't cutting it on the trail. It was dark, Really dark. I could barely see three feet in front of me. Of course it didn't hurt that it was foggy from the storm.

I decided discretion is the better part of valor. I turned around and headed back. As much as I wanted to put in the "last" long run I wanted even more to not end up hurt by running blind in the forests. I made it out of the park and was heading home when Michelle who was driving to the park to put in 10 miles and pick me up came along. I hoped in and we headed home. Mere moments after getting back the sky opened up with a dark deluge that lasted about three hours. It would have made the run so unfun and possibly could have made the darkness even more of a pitfall.

So the rain got me. But I will have the last laugh. This week is my new last long run week.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sabado Gigante

OK that mighty day of reckoning has come. A true test for me and Michelle. I'm doing 20 miles to round out my week of 50 and Michelle is doing ten which will take her to some mileage but I have no idea what. As masochistic as it may sound I am really looking forward to it. The weather here right is less than desirable. Its rained all day. Its gonna make it very challenging.

I am looking to do it in 3 hours which is a good pace, starting out in pitch blackness on the trail (a muddy trail at that). I will let you know how it goes for both of us.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flipped Script

The best laid plans ...blah, blah, blah. You know the rest. We all know the rest. I had every intention as did Michelle yesterday to head to our deep water running class. I stopped work a bit early, fed Mr. Torre and Zim and hopped in the car. There was no traffic heading towards the GWB. The bridge flew by and so did the trip down the west side highway. Headed down 50th street and parked the car. Walked down 50th toward 6th Ave and called Michelle. She didn't answer so I left a message on her work phone and the another on the cell. I waited at our usual meeting place until Michelle showed up and we continued walk until we got to St. Bartholomew's where our class takes place. We go through the "security" and then downstairs to the lockerooms. She goes in and then I head into the men's room. In a matter of minutes there is a knock on the door. Michelle says the door to the door through the women's lockerroom is locked. I said, "hold on a moment." I walked through the lockerroom and checked. Locked on this end too.

Needless to say we quickly realized there would be no class tonight. So instead of 15+ miles this coming Saturday its going to be veinte. It is what it is.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

If the name doesn't say it all (which I'm sure it doesn't) allow me to explain. For me, when I am focused on a physical goal I am hyper aware of how I'm feeling. Every bone, every muscle, every ligament seems to have a Batphone to my brain. Last week..the tired overtaxed week, my muscles in my upper glutes were acting up. Of course if you follow the old adage and song connecting the "knee bone" to the "leg bone" it goes without saying that with my aching butt I soon had an aching back. That being said all is right in the world. My muscles feel loose and limber.

I am not one to really worry about things which means mentally I am very even keeled. No stress is how I roll. This makes me feel wealthy. It seems that so many people suffer from problems that arise in their head. They could in reality have no "real" problems but they end up inventing some level of angst. (Our business is going well too. That doesn't hurt. The design has slowed a bit but of course writing and editing side with Michelle has picked up.)

Yesterday Michelle sent me a little article about another person's (a nutritionists) first ultramarathon. The information was not new for the most part but its always nice to be reminded of certain things. Its refreshing to read something that verifies things that you know or believe. It makes me feel wise.

Monday, August 24, 2009

And Now We're Gettin' Down To The Nitty Gritty

After last week, where both I and Michelle took it easy, it was time to get back into it. And when I say into it I mean into it. When training for any of my previous races there would be points in the training where either injury, monotony or even just sheer exhaustion would force a low mileage recupe week. That was last week. It was pure exhaustion and it was a well deserved break in my opinion. I even took a break from the blog. Now with a little less than a month left to go the time has come for the final push. What the hell does that mean you may ask? Basically it means its time for the fifty mile weeks.

As hard as it may seem its such a mental boost to do it. Nothing takes the sting out of say running fifty miles than running fifty miles. This morning was 10 miles with of course the the usual free weight workout, core work and yoga. It was wonderful and its only the beginning...of the end.

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Door to the Home Stretch

Today is August 17th. Sorry I have been remiss in my postings recently. I have been sleep deprived for the past five to seven days which has cut into my writing capabilities. Anyway, albeit a bit inconsistent with my days I have been compiling the miles and prepping the body for the ensuing event. Speaking of which, that event is just a little bit more than 30 days away. The time has flown.

I am getting excited about it while at the same time trying to temper my enthusiasm. I have always been a person that gravitated toward adventure and events that tested me in one way or another. I believe any of us would be hard pressed to think of a more formidable opponent than mother nature. If you add in personal pressure well you have an adventure. People keep asking me how long do I think it will take me to run 50 miles. I have been very conservative with the numbers I am giving. For the most part I hate, hate, hate that question. It normally comes from people who don't run. I take it in stride and usually give a polite answer. I have been taking my best marathon time...adding an hour doubling it and then adding two hours to that. I won't say the number here just to not jinx myself but it is a double digit which will make for a very lengthy day.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Light Hangover

Last week I must admit was quite nice but tough. I dropped down a bit below 40 miles just to give my body a rest (this week will be again 40 plus). My long run increased though right below 15 miles. After the run I had a bit of a hangover. Feeling a bit loopy from the miles. It was an interesting run as it was definitely dark when I began. This of course will be good practice for the actual race which begins in the dark. It would have helped to of course have had a headlamp as required for the race but whatever. I generally knew the route having done it a few times and the first mile-and-a-half is right along the water and thus illuminated by the moon and the rising sun.

From after the run through Saturday and even into Sunday morning I felt loopy and tired in feetsy area. It only made me think. The coming Saturday in September is going to truly, truly be an adventure.

Friday, August 7, 2009

I Can't Believe How Tired I Am

Again I must stress trying to run on four hours of sleep is a no-no. That being said I did not get my but outta bed this a.m. to put in 10 miles. It was the plan but the Yankees and the Red Sox marathon game (almost four hours last night) pushed us over the edge. The game was over just before 11 so getting home made it just about midnight before the head hit the pillow.

Tonight will be an early one because I have to do 13-18 in the morning before class.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ass Kicking

The class last night had a new teacher, Robert. It was vastly different from the previous two weeks with Carolyn teaching. Not that Carolyn is a bad teacher its just vastly different. As Carolyn is kinda dry personality-wise Robert was peppy. As Carolyn is kinda laissez-faire with the positions and the styles Robert is very matter-of-fact and militaristic. Needless to say I like Robert's class.

Perhaps I'm a bit of a masochist but I like suffering when I know there is an attainable goal. The class was good with Carolyn teaching but great with Robert. It actually felt like a real workout. Its a rare thing to sweat while almost completely submerged in water in water. The previous weeks the workout felt like maybe three miles of easy running. Last night was definitely five miles of a hard pushing sprint-like run.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back In The Drink

Its Wednesday so we all know what that means. Deep Water Running. Its pretty fun but I have to  get this whole flotation belt thing down to a science. The first week it was OK although the belt didn't stay where it was supposed to. Last week it was cinched up on me so tight it wouldn't move but of course I couldn't breath. This week I will have to take another approach.

The weekend runs were interesting. We were away. Out in Greenport, NY. Its a nice fishing town on the Northfork of Long Island. Michelle shocked me and ran with Saturday as I did the final of my five eight milers. (That 40 along with the Deep Water Running put me over the 40 mile mark for the week). It's pretty flat out there and although it seems that would make the run easier, but it didn't. Although its beautiful out there with all the cars zipping by going and coming from the ferry we really couldn't enjoy it. Also of course since we were on vacation we didn't get up early so the sun really beat down on us. Oh well all in the ways of training. Now I must prepare for the water.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Cavalry

Deep water running was excellent yesterday. It actually felt like a real workout. It may of course have been the fact that the floatation belt was up around my ribs. Kinda hard to breath with your ribs constricted. I guess that all part of the challenge...I guess.

Anyway, after class Michelle and I made our way across town in the rain. We had a dinner arranged with our friends Elizabeth, Alex and Teresa. They are currently doing post production work on a TV/web dramadey titled "The Pack". Look for it October of this year either on the web or NBC. As the frivolity of dinner progressed the wine and food flowing the subject of the race came up. I then broached the subject of a support team for my support team. Michelle is getting ready to pace me the last 15 miles of the race. Whether she does or not its good to have an extra person or two at the designated spots for support and Alex and Elizabeth were nice enough to say they would come on down to Virginia with us, hang out at the cottage (see previous post about the accommodations) and of course help out.

The cavalry is coming.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dash and Splash

Usually its the other way around i.e. the old splash and dash in terms of  a duathlon. Swim ad then usually run. For me, today its the reverse. Actually for me and Michelle its the reverse. We both got up and ran today. I also added in the free weights, yoga and a quick 10 miles on the bike. Now we're not swimming tonight although it wouldn't be bad. We are actually doing our second go round of the deep water running class.

It was great last week. There was about 30 of us in the pool in the basement  of St. Bartholomew's on Park and 50th Street. It was strenuous without killing anyone. A nice balance. The instructor said that the workout could approximate 5-8 miles. Doubtful in my opinion but I would give it about three miles which is nice. Easy on the legs. I expect more of the same this evening and I am looking forward to it.

Now I have to find an 8-10 mile run out in Greenport, New York because that short trip is coming soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Disaster Averted

A bit dramatic yes but hell yeah its true. After my midweek eight mile run last week, I had a distinct and dastardly (I have been trying to work this word into everything I can...unsuccessfully) pain on the front of my ankle right near my Talus (see the diagram). The strange part was that the pain was not consistent with a certain movement. The pain only came when I had my running shoes on. Horrible thought that my lifeline to reality, my running shoes, were hurting me.

I did some icing, some reading, and a few tests. Most people are creatures of habit and I am no exception. When it comes to running I buy the same shoes, I usually run the same trails or streets adding or subtracting length and of course I even tie my shoes the same way. At least I used to. For all these many years I laced up all the way to the second lace to the top. With my newest couple of pairs of shoes I decided to use the lace locking of doubling the lace back on itself. This of course meant the laces were up to the top and thus irritating my ankle. Took me a few days to figure it out but simply going back to the old way averted disaster.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Up, Up and Away

I made a mistake this past Friday evening. Instead of being responsible and getting to bed at a reasonable hour so that I could get up Saturday morning for my long run, (during which I would test out my new fuel belt,) I stayed up and entertained my oldest niece DeAndra and her daughter Morgan. It was grand 'ol time, but of course not what you need when you're training.

Needless to say I could not gt up Saturday morning and put in 13 miles or so on four hours of sleep. At first I was bummed. Time is growing short and there are some important things I still need to do. I quickly (as I normally do) got over it when I decided how I would remedy the solution. I hadn't planned on bumping myself up to this point yet but what they hey!?! This will be a 40+ mile week. There's already 16 in the bank and we're only two days into it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking The Plunge

My lovely wife Michelle has signed us up for something pretty awesome. I have seen a few videos of various athletes working out in pools and employing the techniques of deep water running for a no impact workout. It is supposedly great for endurance with of course the benefit of not beating up the body the way running (incorrectly) can do.

The class is put on by the New York Road Runners Club an organization which we both formerly belonged to but had let them fade into the sunset for various reasons. A great group, perhaps a bit too big for their britches I tend to think in many cases but over the years a standout organization. The various classes, which seem to be growing in number, is a great addition to all the races the organization puts on.

I do not know what to expect except for someone who took the class said don't eat too close to class time. You will get a workout. I will let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To Peak or not to Peak

Its a seemingly general rule that to run a marathon or any distance event you at least need to be able to run said distance in a week. Now, to do it well you usually need to be able to run further than the required distance. Now getting to fifty miles a week for me is quite doable. I am already in the mid thirties now with a little under two months until race day. I am set up to hit peak mileage the week perhaps two weeks before race day. That's doing fifty miles a week. This will allow me plenty of time to taper and get primed up mentally and of course work out any kinks with equipment, supplements etc.

Should I even ponder the thought of upping my mileage to possibly have a faster less suffering run? HELL NO!!!!!! The goal for me as it has been since I first stumbled upon this race has been to simply finish the race. I do not need a special time. I am not qualifying for Boston. I just have a need to finish. I want to prove to myself that I am more than I was on December 27th, 2008. Stronger, smarter, more resilient. A better man and a better person. Simple. Run, walk, crawl fifty miles in one day.

By the way I booked the cottage for our stay at the race.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Long & Winding Road

At certain points when training you kinda think why am I doing all of this? I thought that this morning briefly. It was about a five minute conversation in my head while I was on the back half of a seven mile run. I snapped out of it primarily due to the normal chorus of "hellos" I pass out and receive running through our town.

As the day proceeded and I went through the rest of my workout program (free weights, yoga, cycling) the thought crept back in. Then I stumbled upon a little video about Dean Karnazes and how he changed his diet to become a better runner. This led to a reflective few moments which took me to the website for the race. Bingo. That's all I needed to see. Its nice to challenge yourself. Many people of course choose different means to test themselves and their mettle but its the challenge that matters. Success or failure if you never test yourself you have no chance of ever achieving anything.

So tomorrow I once again will head out on the long and riding road.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Know Why He Does It And You Do Too

 If any of you have ever done anything in your life that not only inspired other people but inspired yourself you totally understand why Lance Armstrong un-retired and is attempting to win his eighth Tour de France. There has been much ado over his return and whether its "right" or not. This is of course by every sport related magazine, television show , radio feed or web/podcast.

I have heard countless people (myself included) say him coming back and not winning will tarnish his image. Then I stopped a few days ago and re-examined myself and what I am in the midst of doing. I am going from a regular marathoner to an ultramarathoner to challenge and inspire myself. If anyone along the way gets the fever to even run a few miles a week its icing on my cake.

Now with Lance he has conquered cancer, and the Tour (multiple times) and then seemingly was going to fade into spokesman/advocate mode. Not a bad gig but I bet he feels like the best way to lead is by example. Whether he wins the race or not he inspires countless people around the world who are battling cancer. That was and still is his goal.

Should any of us speak a harsh word against it? He's not hurting anyone not even himself. Not a single reporter that I have heard ever stopped to mention that maybe, just maybe he's riding again because he loves it and that's what he's good at.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Fear

I am certain everyone has seen these window/bumper stickers all over the place. It has taken on my own personal meaning with my little 50 mile quest. As I have mentioned its much easier to take on certain things when you don't know what its actually like. Blissful ignorance.

I was reminded of another important facet of long quests while watching Expedition Africa. A lovely little show on the history channel. Anyway, as the expedition neared the town of Ujiji where Stanley found Livingston they were reminded by mother nature and their own intuition to never fixate on the end while you're still in the midst of it. Its hard not to of course but its vital to not loose your composure and concentration. It can result in tragic results. I have experienced in few races where things seemed to be going well and then all of  a sudden blammo the fecal storm blows in from the fan.

So, I train with no fear and yet keep a healthy respect for it all nestled in the back of my head.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Into the Shop

Not me of course. I am quite well on all fronts. The bike however was in need of some TLC that I don't quite have the expertise to pull off. I think I need Bicycle Repairman. It would be nice but of course I have my own group of superheores for the 'ol bike. Toga Bikes here in Nyack, which is one of the sister shops to Gotham bikes in New York city. The owner of all the shops actually moved from the city up here to get away from it all and of course to have beautiful rides all over the place.

I usually get a full tune up. So the basically disassemble the bike, clean it and of course lubricate all the necessary parts. Its a few day process due to the amount of work they get. Its a heavy, heavy cycling community here in our home town. Dropping the bike off I caught the end of the spinning class run by Jeannette MacDougal a ranked U.S.A. Triathlete. That might be the next little challenge but lets concentrate on this upcoming fifty mile test.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back To Reality

Michael is in the ground, Obama is making headway seemingly with the Russians, Lance is in 2nd on Le Tour de France, summer Fridays are in full effect for a good deal of reality has once again kicked in. I put in another solid 7 this a.m. I also changed my free weight workout a bit just focusing on the core more. I planned on taking my bike in today and ride Michelle's while it was in the shop and then take her's  in when I went to pick up mine. The bike rack was not cooperating so that will have to wait until tomorrow. All in all pretty normal and non-descript day. 

Life is good so I will shut up now before I jinx myself.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Easy Does It Big Fella

I got some new shoes yesterday. A brand new pair of Saucony Progrid Xodos trail runners. Its quite nice as I have mentioned before. I never tire of getting new running shoes. I have never had a pair of trail runners and I was/am shocked at how different they actually are. The bottoms, the treads, the sole stiffness the lacing and the actual cut of the show all very different for me.

This weekend Michelle and I are supposed to take a jaunt through the woods in our new shoes (yes she got a pair of trail runners as well since she will be pacing me for the last 15 miles of the race). By the way other pacers will be gladly accepted for say 8 miles or so. (We already have the room(s) booked so step up to the plate people...all you have to do is run.) It should be interesting. I love running in the woods. It is steadily growing on me. I used to be a track guy in my younger days. Then I was strictly road especially when I lived in San Francisco and then in New York. Now with this race I am getting more and more into the dirt and the sticks.

Change its inevitable.

Monday, July 6, 2009


As  promised the magical thirty mark was approached and passed. Its a nice feeling. As I told my friend Joe (Heslin) (Whats Up Mejia?!?) if you can do the mileage in a week you can do it in a day. Its the general rule of thumb for distance runners. So with that being said its important to knock down the various mileage barriers. Now with thirty down I can take on forty which is much easier to get to than 30.

40 is a peculiar number to put up in 4 running days a week. For me it means basically making 10 milers my average and or minimum run Monday-Wednesday-Friday. You throw in 2-5 miles of speedwork giving me 32-35 miles and then throw in a long run of  13 or so and viola 40 will be in the rear view mirror. High hopes but of course very doable just like 30 was.

By the way I put seven in the mileage tank this a.m.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I never really stopped to get this word defined. I kinda thought I had it down simply by context. Generally speaking I thought by context it was a person who could "see" the future. By definition I was basically correct. Interestingly enough though when I used it in my day-to-day life (yeah I try to  throw in seldom used words as often as possible), I kinda also included people who simply were well versed on a subject and could speak with great accuracy about future events in accordance with said subject. I say all that to say this I spoke with mi amigo Joe Heslin this a.m. about bikes. As I have documented my neck has been hurting me simply from the position that I have to hold it in when out on a ride. Its weak and was extremely injured a few months ago.

I now throw Joe into the soothsayer category. The guy knows bikes. How to make 'em. How to break 'em and then how to remake 'em. Her gave me some good advice on my current bike as well as one possible two other bikes I plan on buying. Gracias mi amigo. I shall consult with you further.

In case anyone cared the training is going nice and easy.

Monday, June 29, 2009

0-30 and Then to 50

Inching ever closer to the thirty mile mark for a week is where I currently sit in this little endeavor. Not to pat myself on my back but I am very happy with myself. It doesn't seem like that long ago when I couldn't run two miles without my lungs burning. Onward and upward. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Helpful Hints

I learned or had verified three important facts in the past 24 hours. Let me hip you to 'em.

1) According to the great soothsayer John Tesh based on a new report from the Harvard School of Medicine using using the snooze alarm is HORRIBLE for your sleep patterns and thus your training and/or health in general.

2) Cross training burns more fat and builds muscle faster than cardio training alone. (Most people I believe already know this but its worth mentioning.)

3) The belief that we are innocent until proven guilty in the United States is simply that a belief. As we see from the multitude of court cases where people are tried and convicted in the court of public opinion the situation is quite the opposite. Most people are believed to be guilty until proven innocent and even when found innocent the damage to their personal persona and reputation has been done. The seal has been broken. I bring this point up due primarily to the idiocy of post-death persecution of Michael Jackson. He was never convicted of anything and yet the majority of us are insistent that he's been touchy feely with the kids. None of us will ever know at this point and it seems that its best that way. We are simply left the memories of his music. Let it go people and just dance.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Simple Things

Perhaps I'm simple at heart or perhaps I have learned with age to appreciate the simpler things in life. In a week that has seen people killed in the streets of Iran just for the right to vote in a fair election. Our president taking his healthcare message directly to the American people. People still falling prey to swine flu and Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcet and (maybe) Michael Jackson all dying, all I can think about is that I really love my wife Michelle because she loves and understands how the simple things really excite me. I have been preoccupied with web design, Chirunning, and watching the grass grow. Yes I did say watching the grass grow.

As you know we built the wall and landscaped the "new" backyard. In the last two weeks in the midst of the monsoon rains we spread topsoil and seeded the lawn. I feared that the little fellas would not make it through the monsoons but lo and behold its growing. I couldn't be happier.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I Eat Therefore I Ran

Guess what? Its raining again. Whatever you say...I concur. Its old news. As much as it rains its still not deterring me from running and now also from biking. Things are going well, so in a shameless plug directed at everyone who refuse to get out of their own way when it comes to their health. I urge you to go find where the following film is playing and SEE IT. In my humble opinion at least half (probably more) of the health problems that manifest themselves in people's lives can be directly attributed to the food we eat.

So one again. GO SEE THIS FILM and make some changes.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Oh My Aching Back...I Mean Neck

Well, the road bike has finally made a new appearance. I ride a Specialized Allez. Blue. Its quite nice and has served me well through good rides and bad wrecks. Of course none of my wrecks have been close to what my friend Joe has gone through but of course I never want to compete on the pain and agony scale. Anyway I took the road bike out for the first time since last year before the ankle/knee...before the wall, before the bacterial infection. It was quite eye opening.

Its not like I haven't been riding. We have a trainer in the basement. The problem with that is Michelle does not like the clip pedals so we go old school inside. That being the case we attach her bike which is a hybrid. Nice ride but totally different than a road bike. So for the past few months since I got off the I.V. I have been riding down in the basement. It was good to get my legs back up to speed before beginning running. I thought my legs were in pretty good shape for riding. Indeed they were. The problem was/is my neck muscles are very, very, very weak. Leaning out and over the bars on the road bike means you have to hold up your head. I guess I have a lot of rocks in my head because it felt like it weighed about 10 pounds more than it used to.

Oh well, one more tiny hurdle to overcome. The bike helps the run...without a doubt.

This is the newest version of my bike (in the wrong color of course).

Monday, June 22, 2009

Not To Jinx Myself But...

I woke up today to not quite sunny skies but of course it wasn't raining. Not only was it not raining this morning but it even held out all day. A typical June day. A little humid. Chance of thunderstorms. About 78 degrees. I put in my miles (which now include about a quarter mile uphill run at about  a 25 degree angle.) Worked out and then yogafied myself.

A pretty damn good day if I say so myself.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Stop Asking Fogerty

Quite simply the question I have been asking myself for some time now. The answer is, I have seen it. You have seen it. The whole freakin' northeast of the United States has seen it. It just won't stop.

I think we are being punished. But I still gotta run.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Going and Going and Going

The good weather continued today and I couldn't have been happier. I stayed up a bit later than normal waiting for Michelle to get in. She missed her train and had to wait on another. Nevertheless I had every intent of getting up and putting in my miles but the sandman had other plans. I was just too tired and ended up getting some extra Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's.

I had a bit time of time though during the early morning and took advantage of it by going out for a little six mile jaunt. Instead of feeling a bit tired from the six from the day before I felt like the energizer bunny. I could have kept going and going and going. Its a great feeling and it makes the cruise right on by (another plus).

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yeah Bono Couldn't Have Said It Better

The rain has subsided. I m ahead on my work for clients. I have gotten into a steady grove to finish off the company website. Best of all between the work out in the yard and the steady increases in my workouts. I am getting into pretty good shape.

My endurance is increasing and soon I will put the road bike back out on the road. I had planned to do it sooner, perhaps a week or two ago, but of course its been raining like the great flood. So by my best guesstimate Thursday will be B-Day (bike day). Its been way too long.

Last September or October was the last time I had the bike out. The ankle and the knee injury last September halted the riding. That of course was followed by the building of the wall and the cake was iced with the 4 months of illness. 

As I have gotten stronger I have also noticed that my core temperature is slowly climbing. My wife is generally cold and I am like a furnace, but during and after the 12 weeks of IV that was getting pumped into my arm and then into my chest cavity my core temperature dropped and stayed low. I was cold almost all the time and even when the weather started to get warm it was still too cold for me. But now things are very different. I'm warm, getting stronger and its a beautiful day...everyday. 

Monday, June 15, 2009

OK I Give Up

I have begged and pleaded and it just won't stop raining. So I'm done. If I have to have soggy shoes everyday then so be it. Its really not so bad. I mean having wet shoes, socks and wrinkled toes is everyone's dream. It will just hasten my neck shoe purchase which is always a fun time.

The more pressing problem is that I am very close to finishing the backyard with MIchelle, but all the rain is turning the barren landscape into a mudbath. What fun! Plus there's also the bonus of mucking up even more shoes. Ah the rain. Exceptionally good times.

Friday, June 12, 2009


My prayers have been answered so to speak. The rain has stopped and the sun is actually out. Dry ground is on the way and with it puddless and mudless running. A small victory against the forces of nature. OK a little overly dramatic but it made me smile. 24 hours and I will have a nice low impact ground for a long run.

How quickly things change right. I would love to get out there and put in some miles today buts like a bog everywhere I look and street blocking puddles everywhere else. Wait.....oh no. Oh no!

Its raining again!!!!!! Sheesh whats the deal?!? Should I be building an ark?

Rain, Rain Sheesh Go Away

I may have wished for it, but c'mon already. Its been raining for what seems like two weeks. Now I know that I have written once maybe twice that I enjoy running in the rain. It is quite fun, but not everyday. How many pairs of wet shoes can one person have? (Luckily I have three pairs of shoes.)

Its good for the grass yet to be planted as well as the garden plants that just went into the ground recently. But the powers that be I am begging just for a few days of dry ground. Mud slows you down.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Another tell tale sign that you're actually doing something (not necessarily right or wrong but something in general) is that your muscles get tight. This week as I applauded myself for cracking the 26.2 mark for the week I also added some hill work. In the middle of my "normal" six mile run there is a hill that is almost half a mile of inclined running. So half a mile up and half mile back down. Very dramatic sounding right. Well it puts a whole other set of strains especially on the quads.

After doing this Sunday morning about Tuesday the quads got tight and have remained so. So tight I might add that it was making the glutes as well as the lower back muscles tighten up. Oh yeah its all connected people. So I have been using some trigger point technology to relive the tension.  We use the "Baller Block" which is basically a yoga block with a ball to sit on as well as two cylinders to massage the calfs as well as quadriceps. Modern technology.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Little Milestones

I have officially crossed the marathon mark for a weeks worth of running. It has taken me a while but nothing good comes from rushing of course. Haste makes waste as the old adage goes. From the end of April until now I have gone from 0 miles per week up to a 26 or 27 consistently. It might seem like a lot to some, and it might seem like nothing to those who actually can fathom what running 50 miles might be like, but to me its a true milestone.

I used to put in 30+ weeks regularly back in the day (say about a year ago). Then of course all hell broke loose and I was, with all of you in tow, back at square one and moving forward. I like to think that things will now get easier. technically they should if history is any indicator. I never had a problem adding a half a mile or mile to my runs as I was training and it seemed as if the more I ran the easier it became since my body settled into a good groove.

I can only hope...and pray. There's many miles ahead.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Splash and Dash

Hopefully everyone, at least once in their life, has run and played in the rain. When you're young more than likely you were told not to. You would get a cold or ruin your clothes. Now I don't doubt that some of us did not get a cold or ruin many clothes but none of us died. At least none of us reading (or writing this).

For the first time since early in 2008 I ran in a full on downpour today. It was wonderful. It makes you feel like you're breaking a rule, even if you're the one setting the rules now. Its quite liberating and at many points sensory overload. The rain ins much louder falling through and on tree cover. It also somehow unleashes a lot of forests fragrances you really don't pick up on during the bone dry times.

Its really, really, really fun. I also think I run a bit faster through puddles an mud.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just Do It...If You Can

I must admit being a former/semi advertising guy the Just Do It campaign for Nike by Wieden and Kennedy was one of my favorites of all time. It came out when I was in high school and to this day anyone around that was cognisant of advertising in the mid-late eighties realizes this one was influential. It put an impetus for the masses to actually take a product and use its fullest.

Let me be clear I have always been, except for a few times I strayed, a Saucony man. There is no other campaign I can think of that really made you want to go outside. Now that being said there is a little thing that separates those that go out to do and those that go out and actually do it. That my friends would be endurance. Its something you can learn and its definitely something that can be laughed at. See below and enjoy. You gotta love Japanese TV.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Slow and steady wins the race, or so its been said. Putting in miles builds muscle endurance as well as aerobic capacity. Basically running long and steady teaches your muscles and lungs to peacefully coexist. There's really no other way to really be able to run far other than running far. Likewise though, there's really no way to be able to run fast other than running fast.

Fartlek, a funny name for a sound running principle is what my speed sessions are based around. Up until this week, (its about to change this Friday) the time of the workout has been about 20-25 minutes and a total mileage of about 1.5 to 2 miles. Michelle has been running with me. She hates it, well strongly dislikes it, since it burns the lungs. Not that its the point but its kinda the point. You want to work the lungs and the fast twitch fibers of the muscles. It may seem like being able to run fast is counter intuitive to running long but ultimately they work hand in hand. They both make your body run more efficiently ad who wouldn't want that when you're running 50 miles or so.

By the way, one of the best songs to get you hyped up to do virtually anything is up above. Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting Your Ass Kicked By Friends

Is there anything like getting your ass kicked? I know I know very few of us walking the planet have actually been in a fight we are a kinder gentler society if you look at the BIG picture. So taking that out of the picture what about the proverbial ass kicking? You know the exercise to the point of exhaustion or soreness ass kicking. Well I got one yesterday. My body is sore. I was not completely spent but I am sore in a few places that I haven't been sore, in years. Its good, its welcomed its appreciated.

I got the "ass kickin" from one of my oldest friends Joe Heslin. I hadn't seen him in 20 years and recently we found each other. So after months of debate (and recuperation by me) we planned out this weekend and Michelle and I went up to see Joe, Heidi and the little one Hana. It was as fun as I expected and more cathartic than I imagined. It felt really good and everyone (I hope) had a great weekend.

Joe over the past 20 years has been all over the world and has picked up one very impressive skill (not that he only picked up one skill) mountain biking. He's very skilled. I am not. He took me on one of the best bike rides of my life. I loved it. The town is awesome and the trails are hard but not deadly...if you know what I mean. We rode for about 2.5 hours and I felt good. Only one spill due to some rocks and some thick boggy mud. Afterwards we relaxed and I felt good. After the three hour ride back to Nyack I got out of the car feeling like someone had kicked my ass. I knew the reason and all I could was smile.

You know you've done something when you're tired and sore. It might not seem like something to appreciate but if you plan on running 50 miles (i do, I do) you quickly learn the mantra "you can sweat now or bleed later". I prefer the sweat.

Thanks Joe.