Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Cavalry

Deep water running was excellent yesterday. It actually felt like a real workout. It may of course have been the fact that the floatation belt was up around my ribs. Kinda hard to breath with your ribs constricted. I guess that all part of the challenge...I guess.

Anyway, after class Michelle and I made our way across town in the rain. We had a dinner arranged with our friends Elizabeth, Alex and Teresa. They are currently doing post production work on a TV/web dramadey titled "The Pack". Look for it October of this year either on the web or NBC. As the frivolity of dinner progressed the wine and food flowing the subject of the race came up. I then broached the subject of a support team for my support team. Michelle is getting ready to pace me the last 15 miles of the race. Whether she does or not its good to have an extra person or two at the designated spots for support and Alex and Elizabeth were nice enough to say they would come on down to Virginia with us, hang out at the cottage (see previous post about the accommodations) and of course help out.

The cavalry is coming.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dash and Splash

Usually its the other way around i.e. the old splash and dash in terms of  a duathlon. Swim ad then usually run. For me, today its the reverse. Actually for me and Michelle its the reverse. We both got up and ran today. I also added in the free weights, yoga and a quick 10 miles on the bike. Now we're not swimming tonight although it wouldn't be bad. We are actually doing our second go round of the deep water running class.

It was great last week. There was about 30 of us in the pool in the basement  of St. Bartholomew's on Park and 50th Street. It was strenuous without killing anyone. A nice balance. The instructor said that the workout could approximate 5-8 miles. Doubtful in my opinion but I would give it about three miles which is nice. Easy on the legs. I expect more of the same this evening and I am looking forward to it.

Now I have to find an 8-10 mile run out in Greenport, New York because that short trip is coming soon.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Disaster Averted

A bit dramatic yes but hell yeah its true. After my midweek eight mile run last week, I had a distinct and dastardly (I have been trying to work this word into everything I can...unsuccessfully) pain on the front of my ankle right near my Talus (see the diagram). The strange part was that the pain was not consistent with a certain movement. The pain only came when I had my running shoes on. Horrible thought that my lifeline to reality, my running shoes, were hurting me.

I did some icing, some reading, and a few tests. Most people are creatures of habit and I am no exception. When it comes to running I buy the same shoes, I usually run the same trails or streets adding or subtracting length and of course I even tie my shoes the same way. At least I used to. For all these many years I laced up all the way to the second lace to the top. With my newest couple of pairs of shoes I decided to use the lace locking of doubling the lace back on itself. This of course meant the laces were up to the top and thus irritating my ankle. Took me a few days to figure it out but simply going back to the old way averted disaster.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Up, Up and Away

I made a mistake this past Friday evening. Instead of being responsible and getting to bed at a reasonable hour so that I could get up Saturday morning for my long run, (during which I would test out my new fuel belt,) I stayed up and entertained my oldest niece DeAndra and her daughter Morgan. It was grand 'ol time, but of course not what you need when you're training.

Needless to say I could not gt up Saturday morning and put in 13 miles or so on four hours of sleep. At first I was bummed. Time is growing short and there are some important things I still need to do. I quickly (as I normally do) got over it when I decided how I would remedy the solution. I hadn't planned on bumping myself up to this point yet but what they hey!?! This will be a 40+ mile week. There's already 16 in the bank and we're only two days into it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Taking The Plunge

My lovely wife Michelle has signed us up for something pretty awesome. I have seen a few videos of various athletes working out in pools and employing the techniques of deep water running for a no impact workout. It is supposedly great for endurance with of course the benefit of not beating up the body the way running (incorrectly) can do.

The class is put on by the New York Road Runners Club an organization which we both formerly belonged to but had let them fade into the sunset for various reasons. A great group, perhaps a bit too big for their britches I tend to think in many cases but over the years a standout organization. The various classes, which seem to be growing in number, is a great addition to all the races the organization puts on.

I do not know what to expect except for someone who took the class said don't eat too close to class time. You will get a workout. I will let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

To Peak or not to Peak

Its a seemingly general rule that to run a marathon or any distance event you at least need to be able to run said distance in a week. Now, to do it well you usually need to be able to run further than the required distance. Now getting to fifty miles a week for me is quite doable. I am already in the mid thirties now with a little under two months until race day. I am set up to hit peak mileage the week perhaps two weeks before race day. That's doing fifty miles a week. This will allow me plenty of time to taper and get primed up mentally and of course work out any kinks with equipment, supplements etc.

Should I even ponder the thought of upping my mileage to possibly have a faster less suffering run? HELL NO!!!!!! The goal for me as it has been since I first stumbled upon this race has been to simply finish the race. I do not need a special time. I am not qualifying for Boston. I just have a need to finish. I want to prove to myself that I am more than I was on December 27th, 2008. Stronger, smarter, more resilient. A better man and a better person. Simple. Run, walk, crawl fifty miles in one day.

By the way I booked the cottage for our stay at the race.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Long & Winding Road

At certain points when training you kinda think why am I doing all of this? I thought that this morning briefly. It was about a five minute conversation in my head while I was on the back half of a seven mile run. I snapped out of it primarily due to the normal chorus of "hellos" I pass out and receive running through our town.

As the day proceeded and I went through the rest of my workout program (free weights, yoga, cycling) the thought crept back in. Then I stumbled upon a little video about Dean Karnazes and how he changed his diet to become a better runner. This led to a reflective few moments which took me to the website for the race. Bingo. That's all I needed to see. Its nice to challenge yourself. Many people of course choose different means to test themselves and their mettle but its the challenge that matters. Success or failure if you never test yourself you have no chance of ever achieving anything.

So tomorrow I once again will head out on the long and riding road.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

I Know Why He Does It And You Do Too

 If any of you have ever done anything in your life that not only inspired other people but inspired yourself you totally understand why Lance Armstrong un-retired and is attempting to win his eighth Tour de France. There has been much ado over his return and whether its "right" or not. This is of course by every sport related magazine, television show , radio feed or web/podcast.

I have heard countless people (myself included) say him coming back and not winning will tarnish his image. Then I stopped a few days ago and re-examined myself and what I am in the midst of doing. I am going from a regular marathoner to an ultramarathoner to challenge and inspire myself. If anyone along the way gets the fever to even run a few miles a week its icing on my cake.

Now with Lance he has conquered cancer, and the Tour (multiple times) and then seemingly was going to fade into spokesman/advocate mode. Not a bad gig but I bet he feels like the best way to lead is by example. Whether he wins the race or not he inspires countless people around the world who are battling cancer. That was and still is his goal.

Should any of us speak a harsh word against it? He's not hurting anyone not even himself. Not a single reporter that I have heard ever stopped to mention that maybe, just maybe he's riding again because he loves it and that's what he's good at.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Fear

I am certain everyone has seen these window/bumper stickers all over the place. It has taken on my own personal meaning with my little 50 mile quest. As I have mentioned its much easier to take on certain things when you don't know what its actually like. Blissful ignorance.

I was reminded of another important facet of long quests while watching Expedition Africa. A lovely little show on the history channel. Anyway, as the expedition neared the town of Ujiji where Stanley found Livingston they were reminded by mother nature and their own intuition to never fixate on the end while you're still in the midst of it. Its hard not to of course but its vital to not loose your composure and concentration. It can result in tragic results. I have experienced in few races where things seemed to be going well and then all of  a sudden blammo the fecal storm blows in from the fan.

So, I train with no fear and yet keep a healthy respect for it all nestled in the back of my head.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Into the Shop

Not me of course. I am quite well on all fronts. The bike however was in need of some TLC that I don't quite have the expertise to pull off. I think I need Bicycle Repairman. It would be nice but of course I have my own group of superheores for the 'ol bike. Toga Bikes here in Nyack, which is one of the sister shops to Gotham bikes in New York city. The owner of all the shops actually moved from the city up here to get away from it all and of course to have beautiful rides all over the place.

I usually get a full tune up. So the basically disassemble the bike, clean it and of course lubricate all the necessary parts. Its a few day process due to the amount of work they get. Its a heavy, heavy cycling community here in our home town. Dropping the bike off I caught the end of the spinning class run by Jeannette MacDougal a ranked U.S.A. Triathlete. That might be the next little challenge but lets concentrate on this upcoming fifty mile test.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back To Reality

Michael is in the ground, Obama is making headway seemingly with the Russians, Lance is in 2nd on Le Tour de France, summer Fridays are in full effect for a good deal of reality has once again kicked in. I put in another solid 7 this a.m. I also changed my free weight workout a bit just focusing on the core more. I planned on taking my bike in today and ride Michelle's while it was in the shop and then take her's  in when I went to pick up mine. The bike rack was not cooperating so that will have to wait until tomorrow. All in all pretty normal and non-descript day. 

Life is good so I will shut up now before I jinx myself.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Easy Does It Big Fella

I got some new shoes yesterday. A brand new pair of Saucony Progrid Xodos trail runners. Its quite nice as I have mentioned before. I never tire of getting new running shoes. I have never had a pair of trail runners and I was/am shocked at how different they actually are. The bottoms, the treads, the sole stiffness the lacing and the actual cut of the show all very different for me.

This weekend Michelle and I are supposed to take a jaunt through the woods in our new shoes (yes she got a pair of trail runners as well since she will be pacing me for the last 15 miles of the race). By the way other pacers will be gladly accepted for say 8 miles or so. (We already have the room(s) booked so step up to the plate people...all you have to do is run.) It should be interesting. I love running in the woods. It is steadily growing on me. I used to be a track guy in my younger days. Then I was strictly road especially when I lived in San Francisco and then in New York. Now with this race I am getting more and more into the dirt and the sticks.

Change its inevitable.

Monday, July 6, 2009


As  promised the magical thirty mark was approached and passed. Its a nice feeling. As I told my friend Joe (Heslin) (Whats Up Mejia?!?) if you can do the mileage in a week you can do it in a day. Its the general rule of thumb for distance runners. So with that being said its important to knock down the various mileage barriers. Now with thirty down I can take on forty which is much easier to get to than 30.

40 is a peculiar number to put up in 4 running days a week. For me it means basically making 10 milers my average and or minimum run Monday-Wednesday-Friday. You throw in 2-5 miles of speedwork giving me 32-35 miles and then throw in a long run of  13 or so and viola 40 will be in the rear view mirror. High hopes but of course very doable just like 30 was.

By the way I put seven in the mileage tank this a.m.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I never really stopped to get this word defined. I kinda thought I had it down simply by context. Generally speaking I thought by context it was a person who could "see" the future. By definition I was basically correct. Interestingly enough though when I used it in my day-to-day life (yeah I try to  throw in seldom used words as often as possible), I kinda also included people who simply were well versed on a subject and could speak with great accuracy about future events in accordance with said subject. I say all that to say this I spoke with mi amigo Joe Heslin this a.m. about bikes. As I have documented my neck has been hurting me simply from the position that I have to hold it in when out on a ride. Its weak and was extremely injured a few months ago.

I now throw Joe into the soothsayer category. The guy knows bikes. How to make 'em. How to break 'em and then how to remake 'em. Her gave me some good advice on my current bike as well as one possible two other bikes I plan on buying. Gracias mi amigo. I shall consult with you further.

In case anyone cared the training is going nice and easy.