Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Healthy, Wealthy & Wise

If the name doesn't say it all (which I'm sure it doesn't) allow me to explain. For me, when I am focused on a physical goal I am hyper aware of how I'm feeling. Every bone, every muscle, every ligament seems to have a Batphone to my brain. Last week..the tired overtaxed week, my muscles in my upper glutes were acting up. Of course if you follow the old adage and song connecting the "knee bone" to the "leg bone" it goes without saying that with my aching butt I soon had an aching back. That being said all is right in the world. My muscles feel loose and limber.

I am not one to really worry about things which means mentally I am very even keeled. No stress is how I roll. This makes me feel wealthy. It seems that so many people suffer from problems that arise in their head. They could in reality have no "real" problems but they end up inventing some level of angst. (Our business is going well too. That doesn't hurt. The design has slowed a bit but of course writing and editing side with Michelle has picked up.)

Yesterday Michelle sent me a little article about another person's (a nutritionists) first ultramarathon. The information was not new for the most part but its always nice to be reminded of certain things. Its refreshing to read something that verifies things that you know or believe. It makes me feel wise.

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