Monday, August 17, 2009

The Door to the Home Stretch

Today is August 17th. Sorry I have been remiss in my postings recently. I have been sleep deprived for the past five to seven days which has cut into my writing capabilities. Anyway, albeit a bit inconsistent with my days I have been compiling the miles and prepping the body for the ensuing event. Speaking of which, that event is just a little bit more than 30 days away. The time has flown.

I am getting excited about it while at the same time trying to temper my enthusiasm. I have always been a person that gravitated toward adventure and events that tested me in one way or another. I believe any of us would be hard pressed to think of a more formidable opponent than mother nature. If you add in personal pressure well you have an adventure. People keep asking me how long do I think it will take me to run 50 miles. I have been very conservative with the numbers I am giving. For the most part I hate, hate, hate that question. It normally comes from people who don't run. I take it in stride and usually give a polite answer. I have been taking my best marathon time...adding an hour doubling it and then adding two hours to that. I won't say the number here just to not jinx myself but it is a double digit which will make for a very lengthy day.

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