I never really stopped to get this word defined. I kinda thought I had it down simply by context. Generally speaking I thought by context it was a person who could "see" the future. By definition I was basically correct. Interestingly enough though when I used it in my day-to-day life (yeah I try to throw in seldom used words as often as possible), I kinda also included people who simply were well versed on a subject and could speak with great accuracy about future events in accordance with said subject. I say all that to say this I spoke with mi amigo Joe Heslin this a.m. about bikes. As I have documented my neck has been hurting me simply from the position that I have to hold it in when out on a ride. Its weak and was extremely injured a few months ago.
I now throw Joe into the soothsayer category. The guy knows bikes. How to make 'em. How to break 'em and then how to remake 'em. Her gave me some good advice on my current bike as well as one possible two other bikes I plan on buying. Gracias mi amigo. I shall consult with you further.
In case anyone cared the training is going nice and easy.
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