I have heard countless people (myself included) say him coming back and not winning will tarnish his image. Then I stopped a few days ago and re-examined myself and what I am in the midst of doing. I am going from a regular marathoner to an ultramarathoner to challenge and inspire myself. If anyone along the way gets the fever to even run a few miles a week its icing on my cake.
Now with Lance he has conquered cancer, and the Tour (multiple times) and then seemingly was going to fade into spokesman/advocate mode. Not a bad gig but I bet he feels like the best way to lead is by example. Whether he wins the race or not he inspires countless people around the world who are battling cancer. That was and still is his goal.
Should any of us speak a harsh word against it? He's not hurting anyone not even himself. Not a single reporter that I have heard ever stopped to mention that maybe, just maybe he's riding again because he loves it and that's what he's good at.
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