1) According to the great soothsayer John Tesh based on a new report from the Harvard School of Medicine using using the snooze alarm is HORRIBLE for your sleep patterns and thus your training and/or health in general.
2) Cross training burns more fat and builds muscle faster than cardio training alone. (Most people I believe already know this but its worth mentioning.)
3) The belief that we are innocent until proven guilty in the United States is simply that a belief. As we see from the multitude of court cases where people are tried and convicted in the court of public opinion the situation is quite the opposite. Most people are believed to be guilty until proven innocent and even when found innocent the damage to their personal persona and reputation has been done. The seal has been broken. I bring this point up due primarily to the idiocy of post-death persecution of Michael Jackson. He was never convicted of anything and yet the majority of us are insistent that he's been touchy feely with the kids. None of us will ever know at this point and it seems that its best that way. We are simply left the memories of his music. Let it go people and just dance.
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