Sunday, May 10, 2009

It Hurts!!!!!! Oooooooooooh it Hurts!!!!

Most of the time I always believe that a lot of the things that happen in our world the media adds 25% more stress and anxiety just by constant reporting. I am referring most recently to the tainted food scares i.e. spinach, peanut butter etc. I of course remember the poisoned Tylenol capsules back in the eighties so I understand what all the hub bub is about.

Anyway I was having my fairly normal breakfast of fresh baked artisanal bread, peanut butter and jelly Friday morning and not too long after it hit me. Oh the pain. A stomach ache hit me that immediately drove me to the pink hero of mankind Pepto.

Needless to say, no speed work Saturday or a long run Sunday unless of course you count the multiple trips to bathrooms all over the east coast.

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