Of course though not being one to make a lot of excuses I flipped my days and instead of having my normal Tuesday rest day I ran. It felt good. It actually worked out the kinks of the weekends. Of course that meant doubling up, Tuesday and Wednesday. Seems like nothing right. We're all creatures of habit and it. It took a little work (let me pat myself on my own back), but I did it. Small milestone but it matters. Little victories in training lead to coming through for yourself when it counts.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Making Up For Lost Time
I know there are excuses and then there are excuses. My normal schedule for training is Monday, Wednesday, Friday normal run. Saturday speedwork and Sunday the mighty long run. Now after Saturday, Sunday and Monday busting our asses and driving construction equipment it was very, very hard to stay on schedule. I missed Monday. For Shame!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Postponed Gratification
Its not bad to have to wait for things. The waiting is not the hardest part. Contrary to popular belief its the realizing. For most of us we are waiting for one thing or another. I believe it was Thoreau who said, "Most men live lives of quiet desperation." Its pretty true waiting for this or that. Most of us know this though. The real problem is not realizing when some of the things we have been waiting for are coming to fruition.
Me personally I have been waiting for the infectious disease doctor to tell me all's clear. Today I went to see her and lo and behold that's exactly what she told me. Funny thing is, I knew this already. I like to think I am in pretty good sync with my body. I've known since about a week after I got the PICC line out. I knew I was better. I felt better and interestingly enough I was as verified by the good doctor. Postponed gratification. Not too shabby.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Tiger Balm
Michelle and I worked on the backyard Saturday, Sunday and today. I am very weak. Yes I keep reiterating this but it is becoming more and more important. Every little task that used to be a "jaunt in the park" is now an actual task. The manual labor first and foremost makes me thankful I make my money with my head instead of my hands. God bless everyone that works their asses off out in the heat and cold to make all of our lives easier. Secondly and more importantly the manual labor made me remember fondly my days of being a kung fu instructor of 8 Step Preying Mantis and how it caused me and others to use the mighty Tiger Balm. Check out this video. It has my sifu in a still shot all in white.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ahhhhhhh...That New Shoe Smell
As a runner there is little that matches brand new shoes. OK let me rephrase that other than completing a run or a race or carb loading on my new pre-race favorite or the post race indulgences nothing compares to a new or a few new pairs of shoes. The feet seem to rejoice in them and thus the legs and butt and lower back and abs. Its all connected you know. Knee bone connected etcetera etcetera.
For years now Michelle and I have been ordering shoes from National Running Center. They have everything new as well as the old guard that most of us have become so familiar and loyal to. I myself am a Saucony Grid Hurricane loyalist. I have gone from version one all the way through I guess they are up to number 11 now. I always wait to try on the shoes with Michelle. We have had some mishaps with two left feet. Literally two left feet showing up, and of course two different sizes. For the most part its seamless though. You know your model and your size and you can order. I do have to make a trip though to Super Runner's Store and get the lowdown on trail runners. I've never bought a pair and I need a pair for the race let alone the long runs for training.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Rest Now Telephone Tomorrow
Is there anything as good as a good sleep? I think its the most underrated ingredient to many athletes and weekend warriors (I hate that phrase...slap me if I use it again). After four months of barely getting a solid hour at a time of sleep I am now finding that I am having the deepest sleeps perhaps of my entire life. Its that deep, don't know when I fell asleep and didn't move at all throughout the night.
It seems that the better my sleep the harder it is to get up but the better my workouts are. The runs are getting easier and easier. In fact if today is any indication of what I can expect, I actually feel better after 5+ miles than before I began. Sounds strange to many buts its true. Doing a bit of research I seem to be stumbling upon many other runners who say similar things. My legs and joints and generally my whole self feel better. Strange but true. Rest is good for the blood. My nephew will appreciate this little bugs flick.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Out of the Gates Fast
Michelle and I had productive but tiring weekend. We finished the caps for the infamous wall, cutting them that is. It was awesome working with a wet saw. A monstrous 14" blade that kicked water until I looked like I had taken a shower in my clothes. It was a long day and as strong as I was, working on the wall before, I was equally as weak over the weekend. I forgot how heavy those blocks are.
Needless to say I was whipped. I thought this morning was going to be a tough run. I was upping the mileage from 4-5 miles on my way to a ten mile basic run. I had also convinced Michelle to get up 15-20 minutes earlier than she normally would have which makes me run faster than usual. I worry when we are out early in the darkness and I run ahead of her. There are crazy people out there. Anyway, I took off fast, which is not good for anything except speedwork. I felt good for the first three miles or so and then..the heavy legs. Not fun at all. I felt the whole scene slow down. It immediately felt hard and I liked it. It allowed me settle myself down and work through it. It may see like running is a mindless let your body "get to it" kinda activity. In reality its very cerebral. The farther you go the more it becomes more about your mind and not your body.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Its Becoming A Habit...Sorta
It has taken about a month but fortunately its all seemingly coming together. I used to wake up like clockwork at about 4:13 a.m. right before the alarm would go off at 4:15 a.m. I would do the regular things when you awake and then usually be out the door around 4:30 a.m. I'm not certain when or where this schedule came from but I know it suits me quite well. I get plenty of rest and still get an entire workout for most people done before 7 a.m.
I run for about an hour (the goal is to get somewhere between 8 and 10 miles knocked out in an hour) then its some free weights and then its all rounded off with some yoga. Lunchtime is an hour on the bike, (its indeed wonderful to make your own hours.)
Now I didn't get up at 4:13 a.m. but I did get up at 4:50. Slowly creeping back to normalcy...if you can call it that.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
No Worries Man. It'll Be What It Gonna Be

Like most people I think here in the U.S. life is very roller coasterish. While a lot of people have the Cedar Point type life. Mine is more like a Sesame Place type ride. Small rolling hills. Nothing too dramatic. But its my roller coaster and I like to make it a bit bigger than It actually is sometimes (dramatic effect an all).
The problem is too much work. Not too much that it physically can't get done, but too much that the rest of life would not be enjoyable. Now don't get me wrong its not that I do not relish the thought of having extra work but I have a lot on my plate and so does my business partner (wife). I bring this up because for many people, quandy's like this cause undo stress. Decisions, debate, sleepless nights etc. I have no time for that and rarely ever have. Make a decision and go with it. No worries. You can't figure out all possible outcomes from every decision so the easiest way to live (in my opinion) is to pick your course and go.
That's what we're (I'm) doing and loving it. No worries.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Getting High

I am sure that most of you have heard of a runners high. Experiencing it is something otherworldly. Its hard to compare it to anything else. Its almost a blissful state brought on by basic exertion. When you get it you feel indestructible. A lot like a certain alien that gets strong in the bright yellow sun of earth. It makes you feel as if you can run forever.
Now the runner's high might be well know but how many of us know of the runner's contact high? Yeah I made it up, but I am finding a unique set of circumstances that I would call a runner's contact high. Maybe I used to get this and somehow forgot it during my wonderful illness. I mean for the last few months of being sick I was really pissed off when I saw runners enjoying the trail near our house or out in the early morning darkness with the deer, foxes and raccoons that I used to see. Now it seems though not only am I totally getting high at least once a week from my own runs, now when I hear about or see other's running I get the same feeling. Like I could go out and run with them all. How cool is it to be high (almost) all the time...don't answer that.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday Monday
The weekend, minus the upset stomach was awesome. Yes, I know I didn't do my speed work (shame on me) nor my long run (shame on me again), but outside of those three things it was great. Oh yeah I ended up missing my sculpture class as well (A BIG FAT SHAME ON ME).
Michelle and I went down to my brother and sister-in-law's house for a pre-mother's day, mother's day. Good times. Then actual mother's day at Michelle's Aunt's home for a mass mother's day. A quick jaunt home for some manual labor and then...rest.
I came back to reality this morning tired as hell. Tired but ready to run and get back to it, and that is exactly what I did.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
It Hurts!!!!!! Oooooooooooh it Hurts!!!!
Most of the time I always believe that a lot of the things that happen in our world the media adds 25% more stress and anxiety just by constant reporting. I am referring most recently to the tainted food scares i.e. spinach, peanut butter etc. I of course remember the poisoned Tylenol capsules back in the eighties so I understand what all the hub bub is about.
Anyway I was having my fairly normal breakfast of fresh baked artisanal bread, peanut butter and jelly Friday morning and not too long after it hit me. Oh the pain. A stomach ache hit me that immediately drove me to the pink hero of mankind Pepto.
Needless to say, no speed work Saturday or a long run Sunday unless of course you count the multiple trips to bathrooms all over the east coast.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
What Can I Say...It Is What It Is
No quips or complaints. No aches, no pains no nothing. I feel really good. My body is building lean muscle mass. The stiffness in my neck is subsiding. I am able to do virtually everything I was doing before. On top of this I have been relaxing more and more. Michelle got me an excellent book ChiRunning which immediately taps into my penchant for eastern thought, religion etc. Spring is here full force with everything blooming and constant on and off showers. Life is good and I feel good!
I Feel Good,
James Brown,
lean muscle mass
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Minty Fresh

I forgot to tell you all, the masses, about my first dentist visit in oh about 15 years. Why the big layoff from proper dental health you may ask. Plain and simple busy and lazy. I have graduated college started working moved across the country twice, got married, bought a house and of course you know the sickness story by now. So, to me that means I've been busy.
The dentist and the dental assistant both said, "you could have said anything. No insurance, you switched doctors etc." I came up wit busy after admitting I was hanging with the cavity creeps for 15 years. I was hanging with them but they did not get em. I still am cavity free. "Yeah Boyeeeeee!" They did the usual x-ray and then went onto the cleaning.
I told them the reason I broke the 15 year streak was that the sickness and medication had seriously weakened my enamel and my teeth were getting stained from just thinking about food or drinks. The drill and the pick came out and after 15 minutes it was like a new set of choppers. Then the magical, disgusting polish, made an appearance. Pearly whites. Magnifique.
As I was preparing to leave the dentist told me I was a rare case that only need to come to the dentist once a year. He asked if it would be one year or 15 until the next visit. I told him I might make an appearance next year.
They Got Me...Its Working!!!!!!
As sad as it is to say the easiest way to figure out that some things are working is to feel the results. Case in point, after my Saturday speed work as well as my Sunday long run and Monday's normal run my hammy's were killing me. A feeling I haven't felt in years. Not the crazy excruciating pain say of an epic mountain bike crash but rather the tight pain when you KNOW you have used your muscles and used them well.
All I could think was..."It's Working!"
Check the vid. I know what this guy is feeling.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Firsts Are the Best (Maybe)
I remember my first race. When I say my first race, I mean going all the way back to elementary school "Field Day." I remember my first race on the track team at which I literally threw up. I remember my first race as a member of the New York City Road Runner's Club. Of course I remember my first marathon. All were very memorable all for various reasons. One thing that all of them have in common is the simple fact that they were all surrounded by the bliss of ignorance.
Its wonderful to not know certain things. Lets face it, there is a certain level of masochism to running, especially long distances. There is a lot of panting, sweating and sometimes some blood and tears. Before a race you don't know the beast that is staring you in the face. You are happy to have trained, signed up and then to be standing on the starting line. That's it. It doesn't get anymore complicated than that.
I was reminded of all this glorious oblivion because first my wife back in November finished her first half-marathon and then my sister-in-law ran her first half marathon yesterday. Now, not to bore you with any details, but they both finished. The part of all of this that is actually pertinent to this little post is that they were both engulfed in not knowing. It was wonderful to see and to be around. It may in some weird, round-the-mountain kinda way this feeling my be a one of the reasons I decided to do this 50 miler. I have no idea what it will be like and I love every minute of it. Flying blind.
Friday, May 1, 2009
The Birds and the Bees, But Mostly Birds
Today was the first day since way, way, way back in September of 2008 that I was able to get up and run in the morning. I have been a morning runner ever since my good Joe and I used to run getting ready for soccer season. Back then it was more a lot of laughing and funny stories. As the years progressed and I ran during and after college my runs became more solitary. One, not many people are into getting up as early as I do, and two most people are into getting up as early as I do.
The first of many alarms for us goes off at about 4:15 a.m. When I am totally immersed in training I am up like a shot with this alarm. I am usually stepping out of the door about 4:30 a.m. Needless to say I am not totally immersed yet. Nevertheless I did get up today and was out the door right around 5 a.m. (more respectable to most people).
To be such a small thing, getting up early and running, it was amazing. I had forgotten how peaceful it is out there alone. Sun coming up, deer and squirrels running everywhere. Birds singing everywhere. Its like snow white in the forest so to speak. I have found that I have and can solve more problems early in the morning, alone, sweating with nothing but the sound of my heart beating and the natural world around me, than any other time.
I would advise everyone to try it. The getting up is the hardest part, but seeing the sun come up almost everyday of the year is so worth it.
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